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Fetch your Google Scholar ID, which is the string of letters and numbers in the URL of your Google Scholar profile page between user= and &hl=.


If generating an NSF COA report, all you need to do is the following. By default, the code will write out a CSV file "coauthors.csv" to the current working directory.

from coapy.scholar import get_coauthors

scholar_id = "lHBjgLsAAAAJ"  # Google Scholar ID
my_coauthors = get_coauthors(scholar_id=scholar_id)

If for any reason you need to get >4 years of data, this can be modified as follows:

from coapy.scholar import get_coauthors

scholar_id = "lHBjgLsAAAAJ"  # Google Scholar ID
my_coauthors = get_coauthors(scholar_id=scholar_id, years_back=5)